Sunday, February 21, 2010

Nothing like family

Claire and Ryan Payne 1/2/10

 Above is a picture of my most favorite bride so far, my little sister Claire. She was married this past January at the Links at Gettysburg, and what a wintery fairytale wedding it was! She is naturally pretty as it is and gave me a effortless canvas to work on. I enhanced her eyes with false lashes and it gave her such a perfect hint of true elegance.


When I first became a make-up artist I wasn't a huge fan of strip lashes, but they have definitely improved the natural look of them. For myself, my other sister and my mother I did individual lashes. Just a few on the outer corners of the lash line is all it takes to add a slight enhancement without out shining the bride. The bride must be the most beautiful, and Claire was just that! I don't mean to brag but what can I say, I am a proud big sister! Can't wait for the day my youngest sister, Beth gets married!  Misty Ziranski and Cindie Bode did the hair for all us girls.

Krista Smith and Anthony Bogdan with Kanda Studios did the amazing photography at this wedding. In the past they have done photo's for my family and a great father/daughter pair to work with!  Highly recommend them for any portraits you may be looking to have!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Blonde Beauty

Jeannetta was a charming bride I recently got to work with back in October. She was stunning in her dress that was draped with feathers down the back, one of the most unique and fashionable dresses I've ever seen! She is a down to earth, layed back type girl, very athletic and all natural from her pretty blonde hair to her pretty face. She typically doesn't wear much make-up and I was very excited when she requested a red lip, and she pulled it off perfectly! I love a bride that isn't scared of a little splash of bold color! She was a beautiful bride on that gorgeous autumn day. Her photographer was Maria Linz Photography, who did a fabulous job.

Friday, February 5, 2010

True Ravens Fans

I was blessed to be reunited with some good friends for some goodtimes! Kate is an old friend from highschool who asked me to do her make-up for her wedding. About 3 years ago I also did her sister Sue's make-up as well, she happens to be one of my bf's! Gotta love working for friends!! Kate looked beautiful of course! And the cool thing about their wedding was that she choose black & purple, their favorite colors for their favorite team. I had a great time not only doing the make-up but enjoying good friends!  Chris Paulis was the photographer for this wedding, he has a in home studio as well. I would recommend him, his work is great!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Snow White

This is Jaimee and Jeremy on their beautiful wedding day!  It was held at the Links at Gettysburg and Jaimee was beautiful, she reminds me of snow white with her black hair and fair skin!  I had so much fun doing her make-up and am blessed to be an old friend of hers!  When I started this blog, Jaimee emailed me these photo's, her photography was done by Meaghan Elliot.

This was one of the first brides I used mineral make-on, per her request. It did give her a very youthful glow and was long lasting.  However I do have to becareful with mineral make-up, sometimes the minerals reflect alot of the photographers lighting. But some brides like more glow then others, her choice! 

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

My nonbiological sister

Well I don't know if you'll agree, but alot of people think this bride is one of my sisters. In all other ways other then genetics she is!! Missy and I have been close since 3rd grade and I love her like family! In the summer of 2001 she was married to Kenny in a beautiful old chapel and she was breathtaking. This was one of my first official jobs as a new pro makeup artist, I'm so glad she trusted me :-) Steve Solomon was the photographer.

Here are some other pictures

Here are some other pictures