Friday, June 18, 2010

Toni & Mike

Toni was such a delightful and easy going bride to work with. She grew up on a farm in Westminster and loves her horses. Toni and Mike chose her parents beautiful horse farm as their location to be married, and what a perfect choice! Meaghan Elliott did a great job with the photography and as you can see it was a gorgeous "down on the farm" wedding!

I used false lashes on Toni, and they really made her blue eyes pop!


Congratulations Toni & Mike!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Mary & Tim

Mary and Tim were married at the
Tremont Grand in Baltimore City.
Kanda Studio's did the photography &
Erin Keilman did all the girls hair.
This was a beautiful venue, I would
recommend it to anyone.  It was a
beautiful day and Mary was a sweet and
gorgeous bride to work with.

Here I'm applying the bride's make-up, she requested that very natural colors be used. I did use false lashes on her that looked amazing!

I did the make-up application for all these beautiful ladies, they were all so sweet!

This is a great shot of Mary's lashes!

Congratulations Mary and Tim!!!

Here are some other pictures

Here are some other pictures