Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Wedding at Morningside Inn

This is the beautiful Brittany!  She was a sweet person to work with and was a gorgeous bride!  She was married this past June at the Morningside Inn in Frederick, Maryland.  Her photographer was Bernadette Davis with Reflective Moments Photography in Frederick, MD as well.  Bernadette did an amazing job, check out her work at 

I used a natural bridal application with false lashes!
They looked awesome on Brittany!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

May Photography Session

I was asked to do the make-up on this photoshoot back in May, and had a great time!  Marina Baranova Wickes was the photographer, she does amazing work and I would highly recommend her!  Misty Ziranski was the hair stylist on the shoot, she is the owner of the Hair Port in Westminster and always does a great job.  Robin, the client was inspired to have a photoshoot done of herself looking her best for a gift for her future husband.  Since then she was married and I'm sure her husband loved his brides gift to him!  She looked amazing, I did more of a dramatic eye with false lashes and finished with a nude lip.  Marina put together these few pictures from the shoot that showcase the make-up, thanks Marina :-)

Here are some other pictures

Here are some other pictures